Admin Questionare

You have been selected for possible admin rights.
But before you’re given access to this array of shiny buttons.
Please answer the questions with the following admin commands and brief details (no need for a life story here) as to why you chose the action, to the best of your ability.
Admin commands and usage:
Command Command Text Params Description
Temp-Ban Player tban [time][player][reason] The in-game command used for temp-banning players. Default time is in minutes, but the number can have a letter after it designating the units. e.g. 2h for 2 hours. Valid suffixes are m, h, d, w, and y.
Perma-Ban Player ban [player][reason] The in-game command used for perma-banning players.
Unban Player unban [player] The in-game command used for unbanning players. Only usable when ban enforcer is enabled.
Punish Player punish [player][reason] The in-game command used for punishing players. Will add a Punish record to the database, increasing a player’s total points by 1.
Forgive Player forgive [player][reason] The in-game command used for forgiving players. Will add a Forgive record to the database, decreasing a player’s total points by 1.
Mute Player mute [player][reason] The in-game command used for muting players. Players will be muted till the end of the round, X kills then kick if they keep talking. Admins cannot be muted.
Player Say psay [player][message]
The in-game command used for sending a message through admin chat to only a specific player.
Admin Yell yell [message]
The in-game command used for to send a message through admin yell to the whole server.
Player Yell pyell [player][message]
The in-game command used for sending a message through admin yell to only a specific player.
Admin Tell tell [message]
The in-game command used for to send a message through both admin say and admin yell to the whole server.
Player Tell ptell [player][message]
The in-game command used for sending a message through both admin say and admin yell to only a specific player.