MadMax76251 Kick

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  • #2460

    Alright guys… let’s be serious for a second. Cancer is not a racist or intolerant word in the correct context. For instance when a player asks “do you know anything about e-cigs?” and I reply “I hear they give you cancer if you inject them into your eyeballs” that is not grounds for a kick. Any other No No words I should be away of? Because your censor bot doesn’t like me.

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  • #2460


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      Alright guys… let’s be serious for a second. Cancer is not a racist or intolerant word in the correct context. For instance when a player asks “do you know anything about e-cigs?” and I reply “I hear they give you cancer if you inject them into your eyeballs” that is not grounds for a kick. Any other No No words I should be away of? Because your censor bot doesn’t like me.

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